Laws of Creation - Universal Laws - Laws of Life - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

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Laws of Creation - Universal Laws - Laws of Life

SPIRITUAL TOPICS > The Laws of Creation

The Laws of Creation - Universal Laws -
Laws of Life

How we can utilise them consciously for a better, more beautiful and freer life

Five great Universal Laws operate throughout creation, which can also be called the Laws of Creation, Nature, Cosmos or Laws of God. They occupy the central and comprehensive position, because nothing can happen without them. They form, maintain, organise and oversee the entire universe down to the smallest events, i.e. both the macrocosm and the microcosm - and of course everything that happens on earth.

In reality, they form the effect of the Creator's will, which is also recognisable to us humans! For this reason, they are not even remotely comparable to human legislation, but rather these Universal Laws are self-acting forces that are present everywhere and from which nothing and nobody can escape. As they originate from perfection, they are also perfect and orientated towards unconditional development and real progress, towards the well-being of all people, animals and nature!

Therefore, there should of course be nothing more obvious than to familiarise oneself with these laws and to adapt to their characteristics, i.e. to go with them instead of against them and to act accordingly. In this way, all suffering and illness could ultimately be avoided, because in reality health would be the normal state that would result automatically from a life in harmony with the Laws of Creation. Illness is almost always just a corrective to make us aware of wrong attitudes that call for change.

However, as very few people know or even want to learn about the three, in a broader sense, five simple Laws of Creation, it can come as no surprise to anyone that suffering, hardship and chaos are on the increase because there is a lack of knowledge and willingness to fit in with the natural order!

In contrast to human laws, universal laws cannot be circumvented or deceived! They register our real intentions precisely and accurately and have a corresponding effect, regardless of whether these intentions have led to concrete actions or not. This is why cleansing and clarifying our entire inner life and our thoughts is far more important than we usually realise!

Another important aspect of these laws concerns the freedom that we all desire. Does freedom mean that we can do whatever we want? Does it mean that we no longer have to ask after anyone or show consideration for anything or anyone? Of course not, because freedom must be there for everyone and must not be at the expense of others. This in turn requires justice, which must be part of a perfect natural order!

Here too, the Laws of Creation, to which we are subject every second of our lives, act as the guardians of this comprehensive justice. Real freedom therefore means that we utilise these laws by wisely applying their possibilities, for our own benefit and for the benefit of others.

In the following, the five cosmic laws are presented in their basic features and their effect on us humans is explained. It will be shown that, by virtue of our free will , we set the course for the effects ourselves and thus have both great freedom and far-reaching responsibility. These are

  • the Law of Reciprocal Action

  • the Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species

  • the Law of Spiritual Gravity

  • the Law of Balance

  • the Law of Constant Motion

continue: 1. The Law of Reciprocal Action

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