Spiritual Values - core values and principles of life - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

Spiritual Values

extended knowledge
for a better and self-responsible life
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Spiritual Values

Changing Life for the Better

Answers to Life’s Deepest Questions


This website is intended for anyone who is searching for Spiritual Meaning and Answers to the Questions of Existence but feels unfulfilled by organized religions, esotericism, or atheism.
Schweitzer-quote-footing of the world
Haven't you also been taught from childhood that the basic questions of our existence and all things spiritual can't be answered logically? That we must simply 'believe' regardless of how irrational existing religious interpretations might seem? Or have you, too, felt a sense of skepticism when told that merely meditating deeply on a 'wish to the cosmos' would soon lead to an avalanche of gifts from fate? Or perhaps, understandably, you’ve struggled to embrace the notion that everything is simply a random game of chance we must navigate as best we can?

Doesn’t nearly every human being, deep down in his soul, long for clear answers about the meaning of life and the Laws that govern us in every moment of our existence? Don’t we wish to discover holistic, spiritual values and find answers to these essential questions:

  • Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is the purpose of my life?

  • Is fate random and blind—or wise and just?

  • Is there truly (no) life after death?

  • Is meaning and justice merely an illusion—or a truth, waiting for us to unlock it?

  • Do we live only once, or do we return to this Earth multiple times?

  • Are thoughts really inconsequential—or are they powerful energetic forces?

  • Does God exist—or is everything merely the product of chance and genetics?

  • Does the increasing global suffering contradict the existence of a loving God?

  • Why do some people thrive while others face relentless hardship?

  • What is true freedom, and how can we achieve it?

  • ...and so much more.

    You can find the answers here! Spiritual-values.com invites all spiritually seeking humans to explore these holistic connections. The articles shared here offer solutions to life’s fundamental questions and point to further recommended readings. These essential insights help us to understand the dangerous trends shaping our world and equip us to counter them in a meaningful, holistic way—for our benefit and that of our fellow human beings.

    I hope you are inspired by the information on this website and gain valuable insights from it.

    Paul Schmitt

    This website is under construction – but here’s a preview of the topics you’ll find:

    Why Faith must unite with clear Spiritual Knowledge - Why true faith is not what is commonly understood by Christians.

    Jesus of Nazareth - How his clear and pure teachings have been significantly distorted over the past 2,000 years.

    The Laws of Creation - God's will and the perfect driving forces behind all events.

    New: The Grail Message – In the Light of Truth - An introduction to the first lectures of the great explanation of Creation. What does it say?

    New: Reincarnation - The Enigma of Rebirth - and its Solution. The Key to Meaning and Justice

    Life after Death - What happens next according to Natural Laws, and why viewing death more naturally can be deeply liberating.

    Suicide - Why the desired End of our Existence cannot happen according to Natural Laws.

    Enigma Coronavirus - Is the coronavirus a random mutation, a "punishment from God," or something entirely different?

    Translated from the original German site 'spirituelle-werte.de', partly with the help of AI. For all inaccuracies and stylistic weaknesses I ask for your sympathy.
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