The Grail-Message - In the Light of Truth - Spiritual Knowledge - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

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The Grail-Message - In the Light of Truth - Spiritual Knowledge

The Grail Message - In the Light of Truth

An Introduction to the first Lectures of this all-encompassing Explanation of Creation

Imagine the audacious train of thought that a new source would appear and would describe the origin and development of the entire cosmos, explaining the nature and spiritual being of humans, animals and plants. After reading it, it is no longer necessary to fly into space to search for all possible traces of the origin of life, and in which thousands of answers to unresolved questions can be found – in short, in which all open questions of humanity are explained! It would undoubtedly be an absolute sensation and would make huge waves across the globe, triggering heated discussions worldwide for months and helping science to make a quantum leap! Last but not least, the content of this source would, of course, be suitable for showing ways out of all the problems that are increasingly plaguing all of mankind. No question about it, everyone would jump at the chance to draw universal benefit from it as quickly as possible... or would they?

As strange as it sounds, this source exists and is... almost completely ignored. One of the main reasons for this is that we humans live in an increasingly materialistic world. For a large part of mankind who submit to intellect, only that which can be seen and measured is real. Anything beyond that is considered ‘unscientific speculation’ that a ‘serious person’ would not concern themselves with! But this overlooks the most important thing: that all organising forces, all life energy, the Cosmic Laws and much more cannot be directly ‘captured’ in an earthly sense, but are simply there; and no one in the materialistic camp really knows where they come from.

Now, please imagine the second bold train of thought, that the Earth is not a lonely, randomly formed dust particle in the universe that just happens to support life, but that there are whole worlds above our cosmos, populated by spiritual beings that clearly recognise the chaos that we humans have created down here through the abuse of our free will. They also see the possible way out of it, of course; and so help comes from there from time to time – sometimes from the highest level, as was the case with Jesus of Nazareth, for example. But even these great Helpers cannot force us to finally become reasonable; they can only appeal to us and bring us the knowledge of the devastating consequences of our misuse of will. They cannot do more than that, because the implementation lies in our free will, which cannot be broken. That is in the nature of things: if it were otherwise, we would have proof that our will is not free!

But over the millennia, we humans have always refused to do the obvious, reasonable, and right thing and finally transition from a harmful to a constructive life. And so we still have an extremely narrow view of the purely material world, while the spiritual world is often seen as speculative and nebulous. Access to this non-material world is then claimed by many ‘esoteric’ and ‘religious’ institutions exclusively for themselves, who see the spiritual world as a kind of freeland where you can do and claim whatever you want, in the firm belief that no one can refute it anyway. They are quick to claim that they represent the truth and are the most important or even the only valid authority for explaining the world or for entering heaven – today probably more than ever before in human history. But if we look very closely, we see that their teachings actually reach their limits very early on and raise at least as many new questions as they answer. But does the absolute Truth even exist, and if so, can it be found? How can we gain spiritual knowledge, discover the meaning of life and lead a more spiritual life?

Let us take a look at the main sources that a person seriously seeking meaning, truth and knowledge usually consults – there are normally four of them. The dispute over the authority of interpretation is actually taking place between these camps, with all their variants. These are

  • science
  • the churches
  • the sects
  • esotericism.

Each group, together with its followers, pursues its very own approach and does not, or only reluctantly, allow differing opinions that do not fit in with this perspective. However, this also means that, of course, a holistic approach can never be achieved; because it would not need to hide important facts, but could explain them in a sound and convincing way!

The materialistic orientation of science, which is pursued or must be pursued by the majority of scientists, only accepts what can be seen, measured and proven, but not spiritual things. So anything that goes beyond the earthly is simply regarded as non-existent. Countless phenomena that point beyond this, such as the widespread near-death experiences, are still not seriously included in research, despite numerous logical gaps and inconsistencies in many scientific explanations. Due to the fixation of most of science on the purely material, every spiritual approach, every human need for a more spiritual life, naturally remains unsatisfied in this way.

Exceptions are expressly the scientists who do not ignore these phenomena, but through clever learning and observation consider a subtle material world and seek new ways to explore it.

Numerous church organisations are going the opposite way: because they clearly feel that their teachings would not withstand a logical, strict examination for long, they demand ‘Faith’ and condemn any doubt. That is why, unfortunately, we have had the perfect separation of science and religion, of logic and faith, for many centuries, which in reality should form a unity! The opposite would therefore be correct, because this kind of doubt shows a healthy urge for knowledge and the clarity and consistency associated with it, for spiritual growth, for becoming aware, for logic and a dignified life, while blind faith means staying still in its development, which violates the Law of Constant Motion.

Many cult followers, on the other hand, replace their previous leaders with new ‘masters’ and gurus, but they usually do not enter into the urgently needed independence and self-responsibility, but remain dependent. Very often, sects and their members also more or less seal themselves off from outside influences, as they consider them harmful, ‘evil’ or a temptation, and thus deprive themselves of an important opportunity for rebalancing.

Finally, esotericism often involves efforts to form one's world view as one sees fit, in plain English: to cobble together one's own convenient ‘private belief system’. This usually also includes granting ourselves, human beings, who in reality have caused an almost unsurpassable chaos, an all too rosy special position and magnificence, to the point of self-deification. This alone must create doubts in a person seriously seeking enlightenment, since it does not correspond to reality! In addition, there are still countless profiteers in this field who use the spiritual search of their fellow human beings for their own profit, and not infrequently even abuse it.

Of course there are exceptions in all camps, but the main tendencies mentioned seem obvious to me. It is precisely this basically fixed view of the representatives of a particular camp on the main points of their perspective that often allows them to find the right thing within the scope of their area, but this can never even begin to be the whole truth, but always only a more or less correct partial perception. It becomes particularly problematic when this tiny part is then accepted as the only thing and is possibly even based on misinterpretations.

The Grail Message and Finding the Thruth

The Grail Message and the Finding of Truth

Are there sure ways to obtain the Truth?

The spiritual seriously seeking person is thus torn between materialistic explanations, religious dogmas, sectarian ties and esoteric ideas. The big question is whether a successful search for truth beyond these paths is possible at all. The answer is: Yes! But it requires your own investigation, your own intuitive sensing of what has been said! We carry the truth principle within us, in our spirit, our spiritual core! Consequently, we can recognise truth if we yearn for it, because it is consistent and conclusive in all its aspects. It produces a coherent picture of all events.

This is about the most beautiful and important thing in our lives: freedom of thought, independence, personal responsibility and the own-developed, convinced knowledge of Creation - free from all scientific and religious dogmas and gurus.

However, we must realise that ‘simply penetrating to the truth’ is no longer possible without the necessary universal knowledge – our views have become too complicated and confusing. Not only complicated, but mostly even wrong! If it were different, we would have peace, prosperity, harmony and an ecologically intact planet, all of which would follow naturally from a right way of life that corresponds to Natural Law, which is the same as Divine Laws!

From what has been mentioned so far, it results that we ourselves must work hard at seeking the Truth and Spiritual Knowledge with alertness, diligence and persistence! It will not come overnight by itself!

This is the extremely important point at which the Grail Message begins! It brings the decisive information that enables us to correct the wrong concepts that have been fixed in us for thousands of years. In other words, the false signposts that we have put up in us so far are being put back in the right place. The Grail Message not only offers this, but it even requires us to strictly examine everything that has been said, instead of accepting it ‘faithfully’ if we want to benefit from it. Real Truth has no need to exclude important areas of life or to accept them unchecked in blind faith.

On this website, ‘’, all statements that go beyond the current state of knowledge of mankind are taken exclusively from the ‘Grail Message - In the Light of Truth’, because this all-encompassing knowledge is not available anywhere else! An important aim of this site is thus to build a bridge to this special work. I do not intend to proselytise, but I feel the need to create one of the few points of access to this highly important book; for unfortunately, the Grail Message is still far too little known in relation to its significance!

The reason why the Grail Message is given a central position here on ‘’ is simply that the new contexts for almost all people are taken from it. And it is a matter of course for me, as for any serious author, to name and quote this source. All readers are invited to study this and to get to know the Creation Knowledge, which is highly valuable for us humans, which is contained in the Grail Message and can answer the questions about Life's meaning!

In 168 lectures, it explains comprehensively the entire Creation, its Laws and also the origin, the purpose of Life and the process of development of us human beings within it. It is explained in detail how our attitudes and our thinking, speaking and acting have an effect within the framework of the self-acting Divine Laws, so that we can come to a new knowledge of the interrelationships in Creation.

The aim and duty of this inner work, which hopefully many people will do, is of course to give up our previous actions that disturbed the harmony, as these caused damage in Creation and must ultimately also have the most serious consequences for ourselves! This all-encompassing knowledge is necessary for this, as it can provide us with the required inner insight!

Since knowledge is the exact opposite of blind faith, the author calls upon us to verify the statements of the Grail Message, thus gradually recognising the underlying consistency. It requires us to examine its contents without prejudice, which also includes questioning our own thinking and attitudes. After all, we are surrounded by abundant chaos and imperfections, which must of course have a cause! And this cause lies, conclusively justified, in the abuse of the free will given to us humans, which must naturally entail a great deal of unpleasant consequences! This fact corresponds to the Law of Cause-Effect-Reaction. It is therefore up to every one of us to gradually avoid the harmful causes so that the great, undesirable effects can be avoided.

For this reason it is only suitable for people who are willing to question themselves self-critically and seriously implement necessary changes in themselves - because of the 8 billion people on this planet, we really can change only one person: ourselves! But if many people were to do just that, without asking about the mistakes of others, we would soon no longer recognise this planet - in the most beautiful sense! -

The author of the Grail Message was born in 1875 in Bischofswerda near Dresden and his civil name was Oskar Ernst Bernhardt. However, he wrote it under the name Abd-ru-shin, which, among other meanings, stands for ‘Servant of the Light’.

The following introduction to the first lectures of the all-encompassing World Explanation was created as part of a series in the holistically oriented magazine GrailWorld, which appeared until mid-2015. I have decided to comment only on the foreword, but to leave the following lectures mostly uncommented.

You are cordially invited to get to know a completely new and logical approach to the questions of the meaning of our existence!

(to be continued soon)

This website is under construction – but here’s a preview of the topics you’ll find:

Why Faith must unite with clear Spiritual Knowledge - Why true faith is not what is commonly understood by Christians.

Jesus of Nazareth - How his clear and pure teachings have been significantly distorted over the past 2,000 years.

The Laws of Creation - God's will and the perfect driving forces behind all events.

New: The Grail Message – In the Light of Truth - An introduction to the first lectures of the great explanation of Creation. What does it say?

New: Reincarnation - The Enigma of Rebirth - and its Solution. The Key to Meaning and Justice

Life after Death - What happens next according to Natural Laws, and why viewing death more naturally can be deeply liberating.

Suicide - Why the desired End of our Existence cannot happen according to Natural Laws.

Enigma Coronavirus - Is the coronavirus a random mutation, a "punishment from God," or something entirely different?

Translated from the original German site '', partly with the help of AI. For all inaccuracies and stylistic weaknesses I ask for your sympathy.
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