1. Law of Reciprocal Action - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

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1. Law of Reciprocal Action

SPIRITUAL TOPICS > The Laws of Creation
1. Law of Reciprocal Action

The universal Law of Cause, Effect and Repercussion

This Law of Creation is a self-acting, all-encompassing Law of Cause, Effect and Repercussion. It means nothing other than that all our thoughts, words and actions are causes, origins which will have consequences. They initially have an effect on others, but later also a retroactive effect on ourselves as the originator - without exception; for better or for worse. We recognise Cause and Effect as a matter of course, but the most powerful and often painful Repercussions are ignored to an astonishing degree. For most people, it is completely suppressed and leads a shadowy existence in the background that is difficult to understand.

The Law of Reciprocal Action is actually easiest to recognise in the garden and in agriculture, as what is sown grows there without exception. However, as the Laws of Creation are not only effective in this area, but comprehensively - it can therefore be applied to everything, including ourselves!

We should therefore definitely have the courage to apply it to our own actions and words, and even to our thoughts, attitudes and behaviour. Because let's remember one thing: these things are the beginning of everything we say and do. Without corresponding thoughts, apart from reflexes, we could do nothing, because thoughts are the expression of our will and must precede every word and every deed. As far as our character is concerned, our thoughts are nourished by our disposition, our attitudes, our virtues, but also our tendencies and faults.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can easily recognise this too: Words can really hurt, perhaps ruin a relationship, undermine a fellow human being's reputation or otherwise cause damage. Conversely, they can also have a healing, helping and beneficial effect. Thoughts put us in a corresponding mood which, in the unfavourable case, constantly burdens us, takes away our joy and makes life difficult for us and our fellow human beings. In the favourable case, they trigger joy and make us feel light and carefree. It is therefore entirely up to us whether we take an uplifting or destructive direction!

It is therefore essential that we bear in mind the trio: thinking - talking - acting. All three are our responsibility and have the corresponding consequences, including our thoughts!

It is also important that in everything we send out, we not only bear in mind the direct consequences for other people and the environment, but also the repercussions that will invariably come in one form or another. As already mentioned, however, this phenomenon, which is often the most painful for us, leads an absolutely marginalised existence in our attitudes, and we should urgently change that! Because this fact provides us with an excellent means of utilising this law for our advancement and happiness by looking at it from the harvest!

It means that we can only receive something we want in the medium and long term when we release it into the world ourselves. If we want to harvest carrots, we have to sow carrots. If we want honesty, we have to be honest in every respect. If we want to receive affection, we must also give it, and so on. Ultimately, this means that our lives can only go in an uplifting direction if we ourselves endeavour to be uplifting in every respect, to help and to avoid hurting the souls of our fellow human beings.

It is therefore an invaluable help for all of us to be able to draw valuable conclusions about the seeds we have sown in the past based on the consequences, i.e. our present life, and to build a better future for ourselves by changing and improving the seeds we have sown! So let us really have the courage to recognise that our life, with all its sunny and dark sides, is the result of our past decisions, which may well lie far, far in the past, but not the result of the ‘evil’ environment and bad fellow human beings. If these plague us, it has to do with the second, the following law of creation. In reality, we have it in our hands at any moment to make a start towards a change for the better! As in nature, we naturally have to be patient until the new seed germinates, grows and bears fruit. It therefore logically takes some time and doesn't just fall into our laps overnight!

And yet ... we are currently experiencing that a large part of humanity, even in our culture, is no longer able to react to this great and at the same time simple law. As a rule, it no longer seems possible to associate the most serious consequences of our actions with ourselves. Not only in the finer areas of thought and social interaction, but even in tangible, visible areas.

Let's take two examples: In 2017, the current man-made overheating of our planet, which is incredibly trivialised and euphemistically referred to as ‘climate change’, brought us June temperatures of almost 40 degrees Celsius in some places in Germany, and in some parts of the world, such as Baghdad, it was already a hostile 54 degrees Celsius. Heatwaves and periods of drought continued unabated in 2018 and 2019. The resulting sea level rise and water shortages alone threaten many hundreds of millions of people. Completely unaffected by this, however, the sale of cars weighing tonnes and completely oversized and overpowered is booming, wasting precious resources at a ratio of at least 4:1 and massively fuelling the rapid rise in greenhouse gas concentrations worldwide! Even countless parents of young children are no longer capable of this very simple transfer, although they are of course helping to jeopardise the future of their own children.

Another question: If it turned out with certainity that the high-frequency, pulsed mobile phone radiation caused serious cell damage, especially in the brain - and there are serious studies that suggest this from the outset - would this result in the transmitter masts being switched off again?
Almost certainly not!

The examples could be continued in all areas and in large numbers. They reveal the downright dramatic situation in which the sharpest and clearest effects are no longer recognised. This means that the normally strongly regulating effect of this important law of interaction no longer applies, as it no longer has an effect on countless people and they are therefore no longer able to perceive their decline and ultimately their downfall as such. This should be a serious warning to every person who strives spiritually!

If humanity currently has to deal with worry, suffering, poverty, illness, war, social and ecological devastation, this can only come about through appropriate individual and collective sowing, which, in accordance with this great law, can bring no other consequences in the harvest.
The same law could just as well bring us peace, prosperity, harmony, happiness and a healthy environment - if we, each and every one of us, would put the corresponding causes into the world. -

In the Grail Message ‘In the Light of Truth’, we find in the following quotation very briefly decisive indications of how we can deal with this law for our happiness:

“Men speak of deserved and undeserved fate, of reward and punishment, retribution and karma.

All these are only part-designations of a Law resting in Creation: The Law of Reciprocal Action!

A Law which lies in the entire Creation from its earliest beginning, which has been inseparably interwoven with the great, never-ceasing evolution as an essential part of creating itself, and of development. Like a gigantic system of the finest nerve-strands, it supports and animates the mighty Universe, and promotes continual movement, an eternal giving and taking!

Plainly and simply, and yet so aptly, Jesus Christ has already expressed it: “What a man sows that shall he reap!”

These few words render the picture of the activity and life in the entire Creation so excellently that it can hardly be expressed differently. The meaning of the words is inflexibly interwoven with life. Immovable, inviolable, incorruptible in its continual operation.

You can see it if you want to see! Begin by observing the surroundings now visible to you. What you call Laws of Nature are, of course, the Divine Laws, are the Creator’s Will. You will quickly recognise how unswerving they are in constant activity; for if you sow wheat you will not reap rye, and if you scatter rye it cannot bring you rice!

This is so obvious to every man that he simply never reflects on the actual process. Therefore he does not become at all conscious of the strict and great Law resting in it. And yet here he faces the answer to a riddle, which need be no riddle to him.


But the Law of Reciprocal Action also stipulates that whatever a man sows, thus where he causes an effect or consequence, he must also reap!”

(The Grail Message, Lecture: “Fate”)


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