2. Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

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2. Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species

SPIRITUAL TOPICS > The Laws of Creation
2. Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species

The fellow human being as our valuable character reflection

‘Birds of a feather flock together!’ This is a well-known saying. This central Law of Creation is also more comprehensive than it appears at first glance. It means that, based on this law, we primarily come together with other people who match us in some way, i.e. who have similar characteristics and traits.

They are therefore always a kind of mirror for us, which is uncomfortable and makes us uncomfortable when our darker sides are addressed. We then often develop aversion and aggression towards these people because they don't seem to suit us. However, we usually overlook the fact that we have to deal with them because we have similar characteristics and therefore have something to learn from them.

The inestimable value of consciously applying this law therefore lies in the possibility of considerably reducing or even almost completely avoiding conflicts of all kinds! If we realise that we generally carry the underlying conflict patterns that cause us to clash with other people within ourselves, we have the key to overcoming them in our hands! Of course, this does not mean that there will no longer be differences of opinion or opposing views, but the solution will then increasingly be sought in an objective and friendly manner instead of criticising our fellow human beings, who are merely holding up a mirror to us.

This objectivity in dialogue is one of the essential keys to a better world! And it is a valuable indicator of personal maturity and the true inner strength of our personality - both our own and that of our fellow human beings! An inwardly strong and stable person is able to gain a certain necessary distance from themselves. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, their knowledge and their gaps. They own up to this and don't need to play the widespread social games of wanting to be recognised, their importance and their pretended competence, as they seem downright silly to them. In other words, he has no need to make his self-esteem dependent on the judgement of his fellow human beings. He admits to mistakes and gaps in his education, but is not afraid of ‘losing face’. However, he works on his shortcomings to get rid of them bit by bit.

He will also have no problem recognising the abilities of his fellow human beings and even enjoying them without envy; after all, it is basically a matter of course that we are the daily beneficiaries of the work of numerous people who can do many jobs far better than we ever could.

However, it also follows from the above that we or fellow human beings who are dominant but do not use this dominance to help and support others, but rather to fight and suppress them in order to ‘defeat’ them or to be better than them, are not really strong . They fall into the group of people that astrologer Hermann Meyer calls compensators. They have the same basic problem as people who are inhibited in this area, but they have decided to step out of the passive, suffering victim role and instead slip into the active, determining role. In other words: We are dealing with child role players and parent role players! However, this clearly means that we are still dealing with roles rather than a free, self-determined life. The latter is reserved for people who have solved the problem for themselves and would like to help others with the same problem from their own experience.

If you would like to take a closer look at this very valuable system of child and parent role-players on the one hand and the redeemed form on the other, you can work your way through the entire astrological zodiac, starting with the sign of Aries and ending with Pisces.

Let's take the sign of Aries as a brief example, which stands for assertiveness , which is also linked to a more or less refined energy in action: if two compensators with a tendency to aggression meet here, i.e. two choleric people, the power struggle usually starts quickly and it is not uncommon for the ‘cups to fly’.

Sometimes, however, it is also about opposing behaviours that seem to have nothing to do with each other; for example, the irascible boss who repeatedly ‘makes a slug’ of an extremely harmless employee. This also touches on the issue of assertiveness: Both have not learnt to express their interests in a cooperative manner. The boss only feels comfortable when he is always on top and the employee does not have the courage to free herself from her subordinate position. Both are two sides of the same problem, although they look very different on the outside. This is where the inhibited and the compensator meet.
Let's look at two proverbs that fit this Law of Attraction:

‘Tell me who you deal with and I will tell you who you are!’

This proverb clearly questions the feeling of superiority that we humans often have. Do we think that we are better and more mature than the people we deal with, or do we mostly criticise the views of others instead of objectively questioning our own? If so, we can usually be sure that the attitudes and views that bother us about others are in us - otherwise they wouldn't bother us!

Jesus' words should also be understood in this sense: “You see the mote in your brother's eye and do not consider the plank in your own eye!”

We are fighting our own famous ‘blind spot’! This phenomenon is also an effect of the great Law. We can therefore learn a great deal through the mirror function if we have the courage to face up to this fact. If we really accept that these are our own faults and work on them, then we also develop understanding for our fellow human beings with the same faults or with others.

And if we really change inwardly, not just apparently, then we will also attract a different kind of people in the effect of the same Law, who will then have the advantages in common with us. This will of course also make our own lives more beautiful.

"I have already said, where you sow thistles, no wheat can grow!

Thus out of agitation, mockery and harming your fellow-men there can never come any upbuilding whatever; for each kind of expression and attitude can only bring forth something similar, can only attract what is homogeneous! You must never forget this Law of Creation! It works automatically, and all human volition can never act against it! Never, do you hear that?

Impress it upon yourselves, so that you may always heed it in your thinking, speaking and acting; for everything germinates from this and grows into your fate! Therefore never hope for anything else as fruit than always and only the same kind as the seed!

This after all is not so difficult, and yet it is just in this that you continually fail! Slander can again only produce slander, hate only hate, and murder only murder. But dignity, peace, light and joy can in turn only arise from a dignified way of thinking, never otherwise.”

(The Grail Message: “The Human Word”)

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