The Enigma Rebirth - and its solution - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

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The Enigma Rebirth - and its solution

SPIRITUAL TOPICS > Reincarnation

Rebirth - Reincarnation - Circle of Life

The Enigma of Rebirth - and its Solution

Reincarnation – the Key to Meaning and Justice

The topic of Reincarnation, the concept of multiple lives on Earth, still has a rather difficult position in many cultures and causes disbelief in many people. The majority of people on Earth, including atheists and agnostics, don't believe in reincarnation. But does that entitle us to regard this majority as decisive and right, and to regard the faith of about 2.5 billion people as false? It is important to know that the idea of reincarnation was very much alive in early Christianity, but was then banned at the Council of Constantinople in 553, so for about 1,500 years. But can a human council decision actually have an effect on a cosmic phenomenon that is in accordance with the Laws of Creation?

The long banishment of the doctrine of reincarnation has, of course, meant that many are hesitant to approach this buried thought, which can only slowly come to light as the power of the churches wanes. But for those who do so seriously, a completely new understanding of the interrelationships and Cosmic Justice opens up.

If we look at the very unequal starting conditions of most people in their lives, i.e. the distribution of births, the inequality of abilities and talents, health and appearance and also the destinies, then at first glance there can be no question of justice – the differences and contrasts are too obvious. But this justice must of course be part of the order of creation if it is to be perfect!

The simplest and most comfortable, but also quite questionable way is, of course, to view the world as a product of chance, of the amazing combination and smooth interaction of billions and billions of atoms and molecules. Of course, in this way of thinking, the world must not pursue any higher meaning, and nobody must expect any values or morals from it. In this world view, the unequal distribution of abilities and opportunities from birth on is simply a ‘game of chance’.

Fortunately, however, many people are plagued by doubts about this approach. For them, the strong feeling of injustice alone is an indication that it cannot happen that way, but that there must be something like justice instead. If it did not exist, it could logically not be violated. Furthermore, the purely materialistic approach to the origin of life also contradicts all Laws of Probability, as the macromolecular researcher Bruno Vollmer impressively demonstrated 50 years ago in his book ‘What Darwin could not know and what Darwinists do not want to know’ (translated title), which has not been refuted to this day.

If we want to make progress in the question of the justice and plausibility of our fates, we need a coherent solution that solves the mystery. As with many other ‘secrets’ and ambiguities, we simply lack the information that would lead to clarification; the same applies here!

In this case, the solution lies in assuming several instead of just one single life on earth! If we simply imagine that a newborn child is not a kind of ‘blank slate’, but has already travelled a path of development as a human being that spans many thousands of years, then it is also easy for our intellect to grasp that, due to our free will, there must be great differences.

Similar to thanatology, the study of death, reincarnation research has also come across some amazing phenomena that can hardly be explained otherwise than through rebirth, thus confirming ancient knowledge to some extent. It is also little known that until the above-mentioned Council of Constantinople in 553, belief in rebirth based on the teachings of Origen was widespread! Unfortunately, the doctrine of reincarnation was banned at this council, hammering the nail into the coffin of all plausibility. The key to meaning and justice was thus lost until today for those who followed the doctrines uncritically and unquestioningly.

But how can we visualise the process of reincarnation, which affects all of us without exception?

It is basically not complicated, but requires knowledge of the physical processes that occur when we die, which also apply to the invisible world of subtle matter. You can find a description of these processes here.

Since a person, when dying, that is, when passing over to the other world, leaves behind the two densest, heaviest bodies, namely the earthly and the astral body, there is no reason why exactly these two bodies, which are newly formed during pregnancy in the mother's womb, cannot be taken on again! And that is the soul incarnating into the newly created body! The ‘re-entry into the flesh’, which is the translation of reincarnation, then takes place in the middle of pregnancy and causes the first fetal movements.

This rebirth is also inevitable, because we all need not just one, but many earthly lives with the necessary experiences to complete our development process and return to the realm of our origin, which we left long ago unconsciously. If we have also taken our own wrong turns and incurred guilt, which we must first get rid of before we can ascend, then the whole process is considerably delayed!

The way in which we have spent our numerous lives on earth, whether constructively or destructively, energetically or indifferently and lethargically, eagerly or disinterestedly, also brings us our character, our abilities, our inclinations, our virtues and vices and our destiny, and thus also the diversity among people, which brings clear, unmistakable differences even in newborns.

(Next: Why can't we remember?) to be continued soon   
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Translated from the original German site '', partly with the help of AI. For all inaccuracies and stylistic weaknesses I ask for your sympathy.
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