Suicide - no good idea, no solution - the consequences - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

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Suicide - no good idea, no solution - the consequences

Suicide - the spiritual implications - Depression
Suicide - the spiritual consequences

Why the desired end of our existence cannot occur due to the laws of nature

A roadmap to escape the downward spiral of suicidal thoughts

Let's start with the most sobering information, which for many people gradually becomes the best after months or even years: The desire to finally extinguish life, existence and consciousness with a suicide, but then also to no longer have all the suffering and problems, does not work for reasons of natural law! On the contrary: suicide has consequences that extend far beyond death. This is not because some guru, sect, church, esotericism or other religion claims this, but because there is now a great deal of new information about life after death, not only from a spiritual but also from a scientific point of view, and the subject is therefore increasingly being cast in a different light! For this reason, no one should embark on this most important and delicate journey of life without first informing themselves thoroughly about how they will fare afterwards. This website thus brings clarity to the anxiety- and problem-laden subject of suicide, and it is solution-orientated! It is therefore very pragmatically concerned with describing important connections that make it possible to escape from the dangerous downward spiral of increasing suicidal thoughts. It provides information that is otherwise hard to find on the Internet and can offer suicidal people an important decision-making aid.

It often starts with depression; it is something that everyone struggles with at times. However, the transitions from mild to severe depression are fluid, and the duration also differs from person to person. If there is a great deal of suffering and intense mental preoccupation, depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and set a downward spiral in motion, as stronger suicidal thoughts increase despair and thus the pressure of suffering, which in turn ties up vital energy and can therefore intensify depression. This tied-up life energy manifests itself in a lack of strength, initiative and hope. This also makes every decision difficult. It is therefore important to gradually free this energy from its shackles and to break out of this self-reinforcing cycle through new perspectives. It also means leaving the fixed and therefore narrow viewpoint and focussing on better things. Of course, this doesn't happen overnight - so let's be patient and gracious with ourselves!

In many cases, suffering is not of a physical nature, but of a psychological nature, which is why the solutions must also focus primarily on the psychological level. In addition, mental suffering always has an effect on the body and may exacerbate existing illnesses. Here too, working on the inner level helps enormously to alleviate physical complaints.

Here you will learn several key facts about suicide:

  •    Why is extinguishing one's own existence, and therefore one's problems, not possible?

  •    How powerful do suicidal thoughts contribute to suicide?

  •    Are there ways to escape the downward spiral - and what do they look like?

I would be delighted if you could decide to read this content carefully and I am convinced that it will provide you with a very important decision-making aid for your next steps.

Suicide - light at the end of the tunnel
Suicide - a completely different perspective

Why we cannot determine the desired final end ourselves

A large number of people take their own earthly lives every year. This is usually associated with the hope of being able to solve problems and suffering that threaten to get out of hand quickly and in a brief moment of "overcoming oneself". But let's take a look at current scientific findings to see whether this approach can work at all.

Admittedly, the idea can have a strong pull: I choose one of the many quick, safe and presumably low-pain or pain-free ways to take my own life. I hope that it will "go black", or rather that I and my consciousness will no longer exist and all previous problems will have been completely resolved.

As a rule, however, it is also clear that most people do not take the decision to take this extremely serious step lightly, but they live with the problem that their fate and their current life is difficult to bear! When depression, feelings of loneliness and abandonment or crises of meaning severely impair any courage to face life, when strokes of fate completely call into question the basis of one's previous life, or when chronic pain or threatening illnesses no longer seem to offer any perspective, then one simply wants to escape the problems. The idea of being able to put a definitive end to suffering in a relatively short space of time is of course very tempting, especially as many people are already suffering from depression and have no idea how to work their way out of their problems.

And yet in most cases there is an enormous barrier, a serious warning rising up from within not to take this step! This barrier can only be overcome by force. Does this come from a will to survive that is rooted in our deepest primal reasons? Yes, of course it plays a major role. But there is another possibility connected with this: could it not be a warning that the hope of a final end, which is based on very specific basic preconditions, is simply wrong? In other words, that the desired suicide will not lead to the desired result - namely that I will no longer exist and will therefore be rid of my worries?

Is it possible to extinguish one's own existence?

So let's turn to the first question, whether we can erase, destroy our existence and therefore our problems. This is of course crucial, because suicide only makes sense if this is possible!

Of course, it's not about the body, because that is of course dead, but about whether I can extinguish my entire existence, i.e. my ego-consciousness. Fortunately, this point can be answered! It is also not a "matter of faith", but we can make progress with logical thinking if we are prepared to open ourselves up to further insights!

The basic prerequisites for the complete extinction of one's own life and consciousness would specifically be:

  • that there is only the world visible to us ... because then we would really be dead with the death of the body.

  • that our own body lives on its own and only generates our consciousness through brain waves ... because then, after killing the body, we would also be rid of our consciousness and with it our problems, our suffering; indeed, ultimately our whole existence would then be destroyed.

In the following, however, we will see that these basic assumptions are not correct and therefore the great desire of suicidal people for the extinction of their own life and consciousness cannot be fulfilled. In reality, we do not have the option of ending our existence for reasons of natural law!

I want to explain why we do not have this option. In the articles on life after death, which will be referred to shortly, the facts are dealt with and explained in more detail. I therefore highly recommend working through this topic intensively, as it also opens up an understanding of the meaning of life and the difficulties and problems that may arise.

Scientific discoveries

How research and thousands of near-death experiences are changing our views on dying and suicide

If we want to look at the consequences of suicide and, above all, the finer physical relationships involved in dying by suicide, we will of course not get any further with an exclusively materialistic approach. That is clear, because superficially regarded only death can be determined! We must therefore broaden this view and turn to a more holistic, spiritual view. Spiritual does not mean, for example, that the whole thing is just a question of faith, a philosophical or even an aesthetic approach that has nothing to do with reality, but rather the exact opposite! Modern science, in particular death research (thanatology), helps us a great deal here.


New insights from thanatology

Just a few decades ago, everything that had to do with a possible afterlife was pure speculation and a matter of faith in the scientific sense. Of course, this also meant for all those at risk of suicide that the generally held more or less vague hope of a continuation of life after death had no solid evidential value and was perhaps just as true or less true than the opinion that "everything is over and done with" at death. In such a case, everyone naturally chooses their preferred option, so the suicidal person is more likely to take the view that death is the final end.

Fortunately, however, this has changed dramatically in recent times, thanks to the progressive successes in the medical field: over the course of several decades, tens of thousands of patients, particularly in cardiology, have been brought back to life from a state of clinical death. As a "side effect" of these successes, countless patients then described their then unbelievable experiences in a state of clinical death, the now generally recognised near-death experiences. A number of doctors became curious about these experiences and then searched for the reasons for these then scientifically inexplicable events in the newly founded scientific field of thanatology, or death research. There were also isolated cases in which the clinically "dead" experienced things and learnt facts that they could not have known, but which could be verified, which ultimately has a high evidential value! Finally, they came to the demonstrable conclusion that our consciousness is completely independent of our body and is therefore not bound to it. This is a scientific sensation, because until now it was always assumed that our consciousness is always bound to the brain! Of course, most scientists still believe this, but their "belief" is no longer scientifically and logically tenable due to more recent findings. These facts are explained in detail in the article on life after death, as are near-death experience reports and case histories.
However, if it has now been proven that the body and consciousness are two completely different and independent things, this is of course also of the utmost importance for suicide! Because it points to this: If I kill my body, my consciousness lives on completely unaffected!

Mind you, these are scientific findings of thanatology, similar to those of good psychology. This has nothing to do with religion or faith!

The finer physical processes involved in suicide

But if we want to know what happens beyond the 5-10 minutes that thanatology can investigate, then of course we have no choice but to resort to spiritual knowledge that can give us information about it. Here, too, it is not a question of "faith", but of logical, comprehensible connections.

We are dealing here with the natural law process of the separation of body and consciousness that takes place every time a person dies, regardless of whether it is a normal death or a violent death, for example by suicide. The current research results of thanatology thus confirm the close link between the continuation of life after death and the consequences of suicide!

Every human being has a spiritual core, a spirit, which is not material like the body. We can also recognise this, because our self-perception does not age. Whether we are 15 or 90, we always feel like the same person we used to be, even though by the age of 90 all of our body cells have already been replaced several times. If we feel down, tired, depressed, old and ill, it doesn't change this fact. It only shows that our spirit is burdened by worries, hardships, problems, external control, bullying, but also by karma from the past, and is therefore currently unable to unfold and develop freely. The word "depression" contains this oppressive element. It is therefore necessary to gradually shed these toxins in order to return to a life worth living. The roadmap for this is at the end of this article.

Our ego consciousness and our perception of existence are also located in our spirit, not in our body, which is just a shell! Regardless of whether we want to recognise and acknowledge the existence of our spirit, or not, it doesn't really matter - everyone has it. It is important to realise that not a single person can decide for themselves whether their spirit exists or not, whether they die or live on. This is simply not within our power according to natural law!

Even the strongest conviction of the "final end", the most intense doubts about life after death do not change the fact that not a single person on this earth can extinguish or destroy their existence! If he nevertheless tries to do so by committing suicide, the only consequence is that he often realises in confusion just a few seconds later that although he has lost his earthly body, nothing has changed in the continuation of his existence. Similarly, his problems and pain have not improved in the slightest - quite the opposite!

The cosmic laws that govern life after death are, of course, also not eliminated in the case of suicide, because a law of nature can never be overridden. This therefore means that of the many shells that the spiritual human being wears, only the two outermost ones, namely the visible, earthly body and the next subtlest, astral body, can actually be killed by suicide. The actual inner person, i.e. ourselves and our perception of self, is not affected and lives on! Of course, this not being affected only applies to the survival itself, but not to the consequences that it has incurred!

On the one hand, this brings the consolation that, after a terminated suicide, the relative and friend continue to exist. It is also not the case that suicide inevitably leads to "eternal damnation"; the opportunities for resolution and advancement remain available for a certain period of time.

Why the suffering after a suicide is greater than before

On the other hand, these are enormously more difficult! This is because by committing suicide, the person has wilfully created a major disorder in the planned developmental arcs or lines. By taking his own life, he has withdrawn from this very task of solving his problems. He can therefore not be spared the fact that he must subsequently come to the realisation of his mistake in the world beyond, which can only happen through painful experience.

In this context, the account of the gifted Austrian medium Ingrid Ofner, who has numerous contacts with the "deceased" and who spoke about suicide in an interview as follows, is valuable:

Question: 'If life is about a learning and development process - what does suicide mean compared to that? Do people who have committed suicide generally fare differently in the afterlife than those who have died a natural death?"
OFNER: "Yes, people who want to die by their own hand are in very desperate situations. They want to escape from this situation, they simply no longer want to be conscious, and after passing on they immediately realise that there is no such thing as extinction. They still experience the same pain, but to this is added a much more terrible one, namely the realisation of how much their loved ones are suffering from the act, the awareness of being missing, sometimes, for example, as the provider of the family, sometimes as the son, against whom the mother bitterly reproaches herself for being to blame for his death. These people are desperate to make amends for their suicide and often do not want to go any further into the light, but look for an opportunity to apologise and remain close to their loved ones. People who have died by suicide often seek my presence before any of their relatives have come to see me. Once, for example, a young man asked me urgently for a message for someone who lived near me. I wrote everything down and finally knew that I should deliver the message to his mother, who lives here in the village. With the help of his aunt, I then found out which young man it was who had recently taken his own life. But unfortunately I was still unable to contact his mother to give her the news from her son, because she heard about it, went to the priest, and he just raised his hands and said: „Don't do that!" The young man then came to see me again and I could only try to comfort him. Suicide is a very difficult subject. Suicide is not planned for any soul, such a death is always too early ..."

For the relatives of a person who has committed suicide, this statement in the interview implies the great and not easy task of freeing themselves as quickly as possible from agonising self-reproach and feelings of guilt, as they do not help but, on the contrary, reinforce the remorse already present in the person who has passed away and thus make their further path more difficult. If it is possible to replace feelings of guilt with helpful and loving thoughts, this will be of the greatest benefit to everyone involved! -

The first and actually most important question: "Can suicide be useful and take away our problems?" can therefore be answered clearly and unambiguously: No! Since it does not work and cannot take away either the consciousness or the problems, it is not a solution, but an extension of the problem! We would do well to look for better solutions!

more: The overwhelming power of suicidal thoughts

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