Suicide 3 - Overcome and escape suicide-danger - Spiritual Values - holistic knowledge to achieve spirituality

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Suicide 3 - Overcome and escape suicide-danger

Escaping the risk of suicide - a roadmapEscaping suicide -  a roadmap

What we have discussed so far provides us with important possible solutions for escaping the risk of suicide. But first two general points:

Acute suicide risk

If there is an acute risk of suicide, no wise advice will help at first! Please seek immediate help from the telephone counselling service or, even better, the emergency doctor, who will be able to help you immediately. Such a step demonstrates insight, courage, initiative and a sense of responsibility.

Health reasons

Clarify in advance whether there is something wrong with your body or the body milieu. For example, neurotoxins caused by parasite infestation in the intestines or even a disturbed intestinal flora are suspected of exacerbating psychological problems. Body and soul often pull each other down. Consult a good, holistic doctor, because a healthy body is a valuable basis for successfully dealing with mental difficulties.

In any case, a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and a good diet, with a clear reduction in unhealthy foods, also supports mental work on yourself.

Step 1: Overcoming suicidal thoughts

If you are not yet acutely suicidal but are on the way there, you can still turn the tide yourself with a little willpower! This brings us to an important point: as difficult as it may be ... without your own co-operation, without the decision to get out of the problem, nothing works. Help will then not reach us! So let's allow ourselves to be helped and actively participate as best we can. This applies to all situations in life!

We have already discovered and discussed the main enemy: the great power of suicidal thoughts! If we concentrate on giving them less and less space and overcoming them, we have achieved the most important thing and our lives can take a turn for the better again!
Of course, these habitual thoughts always come to the foreground, especially in the early days, and make life difficult for us. This is where we have to fight, but the battle is not to keep fighting the suicidal thoughts themselves, but to learn to deal with them less and less! A very important task is to always be aware of the onset of these thoughts and to immediately replace them with better ones.

In other words, the whole topic of suicide needs to be taken out of our focus as quickly as possible and something meaningful put into it instead!

Let's start with the overcoming strategy: analysing our own situation. But not in the manner of depressive brooding over our problems or bemoaning ourselves along the lines of: "I can't change anything about my situation anyway", but with a view to finding quick solutions! Our problems almost always seem much bigger and more unsolvable than they really are!

The following questions can help us:

  • What is my main problem?

  • Who or what caused it?

  • Who or what is preventing me from leaving it as quickly as possible?

  • Have I given power over myself to people who are not good for me, who oppress me rather than being helpful? Or vice versa: have I myself practised this towards my fellow human beings?

  • Where is my spiritual similarity with these people, so that fate has brought me together with them? What was the learning task that resulted from these contacts?

  • Can I find a better level of relationship with the people I experienced as difficult, or is it good to keep more distance?

  • Don't the possible advantages, e.g. the newfound freedom after quitting a miserable job, outweigh the disadvantages, e.g. a new job search and temporarily less money?

  • How and where can I find people who can support and help me? But am I also prepared to actively help with this myself?

  • In case of loneliness: Can't I simply join forces with other people who are just as lonely but are looking for a better exchange? Can I make contact via the internet?

  • In case of illness: Can't I find ways to live a life worth living despite the illness, even if it is only for a short time down here on earth?

  • In case of pain: aren't there good ways to alleviate it and enable me to live a better life?
So much for a small selection of important questions for solving problems. Of course, everyone has their own problems and their own solutions. The important thing is to accept that a solution to these problems is possible, however difficult it may be - because in reality it is! Successful people only do well because they do not accept the supposedly insurmountable limitations, but are convinced that they can be overcome - and this creates the breakthrough.

Step 2: The three "magic remedies": exercise, contact and help

But if we want to get out of the unhealthy brooding of suicidal thoughts, it won't work at all if we sit apathetically at home and then quickly go back to brooding. Three valuable tools can help us:  

  • Exercise in open, beautiful nature. It should be strenuous, not a slow, brooding stroll. Ideally, it should be with friends.

  • Contact and communication. Talking and exchanging ideas with friends helps enormously if you find understanding there and at the same time are prepared to really take on board and implement good advice. If you feel lonely, isolated or bullied, it is a good idea to go to self-help groups or official centres with well-trained psychologists. This is always recommended in addition anyway, because even friends are sometimes overburdened by the situation and react in a way that is not helpful.

  • The best way to get away from yourself and your problems is to help! If we consciously and vigilantly look around in all situations in life to see where we can provide a small or large amount of help to a fellow human being, this is the quickest way to do something really meaningful, which also brings some energy and even some joy. So why not join a self-help group so that everyone can feel better! Alternatively, animal or nature conservation is also a good option.

Step 3: Renouncing the role of victim

It is also important not to see yourself as a helpless victim of an evil environment, but to learn as quickly as possible to see your own room for improvement, which in reality is far greater than it initially seems in the situation. It is always possible to break away from destructive life patterns if you are sufficiently motivated! The same applies to people who pull you down: If a constructive confrontation with them does not lead to a better outcome, a far greater distance is often the best solution! Official or charitable agencies, e.g. social services or youth welfare offices, psychological counselling centres, etc. can often help. Especially "strangers" can be the greatest help at the beginning, because from their healthy distance they can often recognise the suicidal person's problem-solving options far better than the person themselves or their nearest relatives!

Step 4: Learning to think far-sightedly and holistically

At this step it is very important to acquire spiritual, holistic knowledge in order to be able to find a meaningful path again. Most life crises are in fact crises of meaning: there is a lack of understanding as to why we have got into this difficult situation. However, the deeper we delve into the laws and principles of fate, the more we realise our own part in it. We will also have to realise that we have stubbornly overlooked many of life's beckoning signs and could have avoided many problems in advance. But as soon as this realisation has dawned on us, we have the way out right in front of us. We can immediately start to work our way out of the problems that we have created and solve them step by step! - -

When self-hatred is the cause ...

Many depressions and suicides are based on self-hatred: in the depths of one's being, one no longer feels worthy of being allowed to exist at all and wants to "free" fellow human beings and the earth from oneself. But the very fact that we live here shows that this is seen differently from "above", from the "light", and everything that happens in the cosmos has a purpose - with the exception of everything that we humans do against the laws of nature by abusing our free will!

The cause of this self-hatred often lies in the distant past, i.e. in previous lives on earth, where we committed misdeeds or cultivated and maintained wrong attitudes that have not yet been rectified and therefore still need to be equalised. These emotional burdens are present, but are not directly accessible to our daily consciousness ! Our task here is to be prepared to work through these atonements of the past and thus balance them out, which brings liberation and relief and, from this point of view, can even bring joy. The opportunities to make good are brought to us step by step by wise destiny - we just need to grab them with the firm intention that something good should come out of it.

Our spiritual core senses the need to rectify past mistakes and omissions and pushes; because it is a natural law that everything must be balanced out of justice. The more resistance we put up against this, the greater the burden it places on us! Incidentally, this applies to all people - everyone has to make amends, everyone has to compensate. The degree to which we are willing to do this determines very much whether we feel burdened or good - and the decision is in our hands! As already mentioned, we need do nothing more than look at everything that comes our way, learn our lessons from it and utilise it in an uplifting way as best we can.

This self-unappreciation should therefore be used for inner conversion, because the driving force behind it is the not yet sufficiently fulfilled desire to develop our abilities for the benefit of our fellow human beings and the entire planet! Then it is even a strong driving force to be able to give your life a turn towards the useful and good again. Everyone is important and is needed - everyone in the place where they are at the moment, even if they feel they are at their lowest ebb. Because other people are sometimes at exactly the same low point and are happy to receive understanding and help! For example, anyone who is struggling to work their way out of suicidal thoughts - can there be anyone who can better understand and help another suicidal person? Because understanding and acceptance is a good bridge back to life. And if neither of them understand what life is supposed to be good for, then so be it, but it doesn't have to stay that way! Life has meaning, and if the realisation of this meaning comes later, then let's give it the time it needs!

So the way out is obvious: let's make a firm decision to channel our will in future in the direction of the good and constructive and equalize step by step everything that still burdens us! Incidentally, this task is required of all people, not just those at risk of suicide, and the fact that our world is not in a good state proves that far too many are still resisting it - to their own misfortune! So let's resolve to tackle it and make it better! --

When fellow human beings do not " perform" as desired

Finally, particularly problematic and unattractive motivations for fostering and spreading suicidal thoughts need to be addressed: It is intended to exert psychological pressure on one or more fellow human beings in order to pursue selfish goals! The relationship area is probably the most strongly represented here, whether it is to forcibly bind a partner who would prefer to leave due to a lack of harmony in the relationship, or, for example, to achieve special treatment or priority in the family. If suicide occurs in this case, the person must not only compensate for their suicide and its consequences on their further path in the afterlife, but they also share responsibility for the others in whom they have triggered massive feelings of guilt. The same applies if the motivation is to take revenge on another person by committing suicide!

Yes, it is bitter and painful when a relationship - perhaps even a long-standing one - has come to an end and the partner wants to break away. On the other hand, this request by the partner also clearly proves that the harmony necessary for a good relationship is no longer there, because if it were still there, none of the parties involved would have the idea of wanting to leave the relationship. However, nobody has the right to forcibly bind the other person to themselves against their will; it would contradict the necessary freedom that every person may and should have!

If there is still some love, trust and respect left, in many cases the relationship can be rescued in a single way: We must recognise our mistakes that caused our relationship to fail and have the serious will to start working on ourselves immediately, to show respect and appreciation for our partner again and not take them for granted.

However, if it is already too late for this relationship, it is important to come to terms with the break-up, as many millions of other people have to do. Here, too, it is important not to exaggerate the pain of separation in your thoughts , but to look for new ways and contacts as quickly as possible. It is also a good idea to start working on yourself as soon as possible and trust that a new, fulfilling relationship can then develop again.  
Especially today, when there are so many divorces and separations at all ages, it is easier than ever to find a new, suitable partner.

Suicide is certainly one of the worst options! --

All knowledge that goes beyond the normal level of knowledge here at "" is taken from the "Grail Message - In the Light of Truth", which I expressly recommend as a valuable, continuing source. On this point, too, it shows in a few sentences the way out, which applies not only to those at risk of suicide, but to all people:

  'Therefore become spiritually free! Burst all the fetters that hold you down! If obstacles present themselves welcome them joyfully; for they show you the way to freedom and strength! Look upon them as gifts from which you will benefit, and you will overcome them with ease.'

  'Either such obstacles are put in your way to teach and develop you, in which case you add to the means of your ascent, or they are the reaction to some debt you have incurred, which you can redeem in this way and thus free yourselves. In either case they help you to advance. Therefore set out to meet them with a bold heart, it is for your own good!'

  'It is foolish to talk of reverses of fortune or of trials. Every conflict and every sorrow means progress. Men are thus offered the chance to dispel the shadows of former misdeeds; for not a single farthing can be remitted to the individual, because here also the cycle of the Eternal Laws in the Universe is inflexible. The Creative Father-Will reveals Himself in them, and thereby forgives us and dispels all Darkness.'

  'So clearly and wisely is everything arranged that the minutest swerving from this would have to plunge the world into ruins.'

  'But what of the man who has very much to redeem from former times, must he not then despair, will he not tremble at the thought of the misdeeds he has to atone for?'

  'As soon as he honestly wills he can hopefully and gladly begin with it, free from all worry! For a balance can be brought about by the counter-current of the power of good volition, which like other thought-forms takes life in the spiritual, forging a strong weapon capable of removing every dark burden, every weight, and leading the “ego” towards the Light!'

(Grail Message, lecture: "Awake!")

Translated with the premium app ‘’ from the original German site "". I ask for your sympathy for any inaccuracies or stylistic weaknesses.
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Paul Schmitt

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